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The Colorado Kid
(184 pages - © 2005)

Publisher: Hard Case Crime

First Edition :1 million (approx)



Colorado Kid 1st edition
First edition cover
(Click / double tap for copyright page)


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  • A first edition of 1,000,000 copies. Issued as a mass market paperback for $5.99 UPC Code of "50599" on the back cover. Later editions do exist, but may have a different ISBN number and different cover art. Price = $10 - $20

Current value last adjusted December 2024


This title is identified as a first printing by having 3 (Three) sets of UPC numbers on the back over. The necessary numbers to identify and insure a first printing are "50599" above the 5 digit UPC to the right of the larger bar-code. The "50599" with corresponding bar-code is the identifier needed. Later printings will have a different number. Please note: the apha-numeric "HCC-013" on the copyright page is NOT an accurate identifier for a first printing. The "HCC-013" is present on later printings as well. The only identification point for a first edition, first printing is the 5 digit UPC code "50599".

PLEASE NOTE: This information has been confirmed with Mr. Charles Ardi of Hard Case Publishing. As best as anyone can tell - including the publisher - the above information is accurate and the only way to identify a first edition, first printing. Prior to publication, Hard Case mailed out 3 x 5 cards with the graphics for the front and rear covers of the book. These 3 x 5 cards are identical to the book we are offering. This, then, is the earliest known state of the book. Mr. Gary Shulze, owner of "Once Upon A Crime" in Minneapolis, Minnesota,  a dedicated collector of the "Hard Case" editions, confirmed this information - via e-mail - with Mr. Charles Ardi of Hard Case Publishing. We have been authorized to attach this information to this listing.


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